Pay Per Referral

What is PPR (Pay Per Referral)?

PPR is an optional billing method that will allow shops to participate with Partner referrals.  We will assess a fee of $50 per appointment/message, tow (roadside), and claim referral you receive, and we will stop bugging you to verify your repairs.  We will not assess a fee for any phone call referrals you receive, as we know those vary in quality and applicability to your business.  

How much is it?

It is $50 per referral.

What referral types are subject to PPR?

  • Appointments/ Messages
  • Tow Dispatches
  • Claims

Who is eligible for PPR?

Any shop that might want to utilize a simplified billing method. Certified or Limited Partner Referral Network can choose this method. It is particularly helpful for shops who have a shop management system that is not compatible to connect with us, and shops that find verifying referrals a hassle. 

When do we make the change for a shop to switch to PPR?

Either the very end of the month or within the first week of the following month.

Is there still a delay in billing for qualified referrals?

Yes, shops may still see 2-ish months of delay in confirmed eligible referrals on PPR.  This is because there is a lag on Agero tow dispatches, and there is a lag of a month on some of the claims files we receive from our referral partners.

What is the difference between Pay by Performance and Pay per Referral?

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