Embedded Estimator Widget

You now have the capability to add a static version of the Fair Price Estimator widget to your website! This gives you the option of having it be a standalone page on your website. In this article, we'll show you how to set it up.

If you're looking for information on the pop-up widget, visit this article.

How to Install the Embedded Widget on your Website

Step 1: Access the Estimator Widget by clicking " Estimator" under the " Widgets" tab on the top bar of your Dashboard.

Step 2: Choose the "Embedded" option.

Step 3: Customize the Widget to how you'd like it to appear on your site. (Options Below)

      • Keep or remove the background
      • Change the Heading
      • Change the Subheading

Step 4: Click save and copy the HTML code that pops up.

Step 5: Add the HTML code into the page on your website where you'd like it to be hosted.

Note: The widget is designed to be responsive on your website and will automatically adjust to different screen sizes, like desktop and mobile.

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