Upcoming Appointments Calendar

The upcoming appointments calendar is where you can quickly see all your RepairPal appointments in one place. This view is designed to help you manage your appointments, prepare for the next day, and be able to manage new appointment requests.

We show 3 different types of appointments on the calendar.
  • New appointment requests - These are displayed as white with a blue border and orange dot. 
  • Accepted appointments - These are displayed as blue with a blue border.
  • Canceled/declined appointments - These are displayed as white with a red background. 

When you click on any appointment, we will display additional appointment details. For appointments that are new, we allow you to accept or reschedule directly from the detailed view. For appointments that are accepted, you can reschedule the appointment directly from the detailed view. Appointments that are past the appointment date/time or have been canceled/declined only show the additional information.

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