RepairPal Agreement Terms & Conditions

This RepairPal Program Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into by and between “Shop” and RepairPal, Inc., a Delaware corporation with offices at 2261 Market Street #4705, San Francisco, CA 94114  (“RepairPal”) (individually a “Party,” and collectively, the “Parties”).

By participating in the RepairPal Program, Shop can receive Referred Customers (defined below) via RepairPal’s website, mobile application/ website, partners’ and affiliates’ websites, and other partner and affiliate programs.

For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by the Parties, the Parties hereby agree as follows:

1. RepairPal Program

a) RepairPal and its partners and affiliates will refer potential customers to the Shop using appropriate medium(s) for Referral, including via (and any other associated websites), mobile application/ website, and other third-party partner and affiliate programs, callcenters, marketing activities and websites.  Each of these potential customers is a “Referral” or if they receive repairs or service from Shop, is known as a "Referred Customer".  

b) Shop understands and hereby acknowledges that RepairPal guarantees no set number or quality of Referrals, Referred Customers or resulting repair activity.

c) Shop understands and hereby acknowledges that Referred Customers will decide where to have their vehicles repaired, and in the event that the Referred Customers change their mind, decide not to retain the services of Shop, and/or discontinue retaining the services of Shop, Shop agrees not to challenge the Referred Customers’ decision or to contact the Referred Customers. 

d) Shop understands and hereby acknowledges that additional fees or discounts for repair work may apply to Referred Customers, as detailed in Exhibit A: RepairPal Program Fees.  Partners and affiliates may also ask for Shop to meet additional requirements beyond the minimum requirements of the Program in order to receive Referred Customers (“Optional Program”).  Where applicable, these requirements will be detailed in a separate Optional Program requirements document and Shop will be given the option of whether or not to participate in that Optional Program.

e) Shop understands and acknowledges that the repair services Shop provides to Referred Customers are the services as agreed to between the Shop and the Referred Customer.

f) Shop understands and acknowledges that RepairPal and its partners and affiliates shall not be responsible for any charges associated with or relating to the repairs.

g) Shop agrees to participate in RepairPal’s Customer Verification Program, a value-added data processing program that will help to facilitate RepairPal products/services used by the Shop. Shop also agrees to participate in RepairPal's Scheduling Program, another value-added service that facilitates RepairPal's Shop products and services.  As further explained in Exhibit B: Collection and Storage of Data, during the Term (as defined below) of this Agreement, Shop shall provide RepairPal access to data related to customer activity with the Shop (“Shop Data”).  Shop Data includes data from shop-controlled systems, including but not limited to: the Shop or Shop affiliate website, scheduling, diagnosis, quoting/estimation, customer communications, and/or Shop management systems. There will be no fees charged to the Shop by RepairPal for providing this data or using the RepairPal Scheduling Program.  Further details are provided in Exhibit B: Collection and Storage of Data.

h) Shop understands and acknowledges that many RepairPal partners may require Shop to participate in the RepairPal Certified Program in order to receive Referrals. Shops not qualifying or wishing to participate in the RepairPal Certified Program will be eligible for RepairPal Partner Referrals on a more limited basis, and will not be eligible to use the RepairPal Certified logo or other branding elements.

i) In addition, to participate in the RepairPal Program or the RepairPal Certified Program, and Partner Programs as applicable, Shop agrees to pay monthly fees as disclosed in Exhibit A: RepairPal Program, Certified Program & Partner Referral Fees

2. RepairPal Certified Program Terms

a) In order to participate in the RepairPal Certified Program, Shop must satisfy all of the RepairPal Certified Program requirements that are described in the RepairPal Certified Program Terms. These terms include, without limitation:  (1) If a Referred Customer presents a specific repair estimate range to the Shop from the RepairPal website (found on our website here:, RepairPal requires as part of Shop’s participation in the RepairPal Certified Program that the Shop charge no more for that specific repair item than a price within the estimate range. The foregoing price requirement is not applicable to, and does not include, other items the Shop may separately charge for (i.e. diagnostics, tax, repair items not included in the estimate, Shop specified fees, or add-on sales).  If Shop is unwilling to provide the specific repair at or below a price in the estimate range presented by the Referred Customer, the Shop should confirm the current estimate range on the RepairPal website, and then must either (a) refrain from doing the applicable repair work and direct the Referred Customer to contact RepairPal customer support, or (b) perform the work at the maximum dollar amount of the presented estimate range and file a claim with RepairPal to reimburse the Shop for the difference between (i) the maximum dollar amount of the presented estimate range presented by the Referred Customer, and (ii) the Shop’s current and applicable retail pricing for the specific repair item (which shall be based on an industry recognized labor time guide, OEM part(s) MSRP, and the current Shop labor rate provided to RepairPal). (2) providing a minimum 12-month / 12,000-mile warranty, whichever comes first, on all repairs.  (3) RepairPal may update the fees set forth in Exhibit A after providing thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to Shop, either by postal mail or by email. 

b) If any Partner Program requires different terms, including different warranty or pricing requirements, Shop will have the option to honor these requirements or opt-out of the Partner Program.

c) The RepairPal Certified logo is a key graphic element that identifies a RepairPal Certified Shop. RepairPal Certified Shops will be provided with signage free of charge that indicates the Shop has earned the RepairPal Certified designation.  As a condition of participating in the RepairPal Certified Program, Shop acknowledges and agrees that it is required to display RepairPal Certified signage.  Shop will also be provided with logos, widgets and other assets that may be used to enhance the Shop's website or other online activities, as well as physical RepairPal Certified signage and collateral.  If Shop participates in any optional RepairPal Partner Referral Programs, Shop further acknowledges and agrees that, if required by Partner, it will display Partner signage at the Shop, and that Partner logos and other assets may NOT be used for any digital or printed collateral without express consent of RepairPal and the Partner.  If the Shop cancels participation in or is removed from the RepairPal Certified Shop Network, Shop agrees to immediately remove all RepairPal Certified and RepairPal Partner signage from Shop, including any digital and print assets where it is being used.  Shop acknowledges that the RepairPal Certified logo and Partner logos are registered trademarks, and any use of these trademarks other than as described in this Agreement without express written consent from RepairPal or its Partners is prohibited.  RepairPal and RepairPal Partners reserve all rights to enforce their intellectual property rights affiliated with their trademarks.

d) Shop understands and acknowledges that it must pass RepairPal’s certification assessment and then remain in good standing in order to participate and maintain its membership in the RepairPal Certified Program.

e) Shop understands and acknowledges that good standing in the RepairPal Certified Program is required in order to receive referrals from and from many RepairPal partners who require Certified Program participation. Shops not maintaining this standing are eligible for Partner Referrals only from those partners who do not have this requirement.

3. RepairPal General Program Terms

a) Shop understands and acknowledges that a current profile and listing must be maintained on RepairPal's website and/ or in RepairPal's partner referral tools, and that RepairPal will provide the capability for Shop to update relevant details, including but not limited to: address, hours of operation, makes serviced, capabilities, services, photos and the like. Shop also acknowledges that RepairPal may use this listing in a variety of ways, to promote Shop to consumers on, in emails and other forms of digital marketing and if participating in Partner Programs, through those sites and digital and physical marketing activities and channels, as well. As part of this promotional activity, RepairPal's experts may respond to consumers’ questions on behalf of Shop and post these answers on RepairPal’s website. Shop may opt out of content generation on behalf of Shop, understanding that this may limit the number of Referrals received. RepairPal may reach out with information requests to update Shop listing details from time to time, and Shop is expected to be reasonably responsive to these requests.

b) Shop agrees to receive communications from RepairPal related to Referral activity, billing requests, servicing needs, customer problems and requests and other updates. These communications may be via phone, email, postal mail or text message. Shop must maintain current contact information with RepairPal, including a current mobile phone number to receive text message alerts. Additional fees may apply, depending on Shop's mobile carrier and data plan.

3. Term & Termination

a) The initial term of this Agreement is three (3) months (“Term”), after which the Agreement will renew on a monthly basis unless terminated in accordance with this Section. 

b) Either Party may terminate this Agreement, with or without cause, after providing thirty (30) calendar days’ prior written notice.  Shop must send its notice to RepairPal via email to; RepairPal must send its written notice to Shop via email to the email address on file or via postal mail to the shop address on file. 

c) RepairPal shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and remove Shop from the RepairPal Certified Program immediately upon written notice if: (i) Shop does not make payment in accordance with the terms of this Agreement or (ii) Shop breaches any of the terms of this Agreement or does not comply with any of the requirements of the RepairPal Certified Program. Upon termination of this Agreement, Shop shall be immediately removed from the RepairPal Certified Program and shall no longer qualify as a RepairPal Certified Shop.

d) Sections 5  shall survive any termination of this Agreement.

e) Upon termination of the Agreement, all monies paid or due or owing to RepairPal under this Agreement shall be deemed non-refundable.


a) The Parties understand and agree that the customer name, demographic information, and Vehicle Identification Number (“VIN”) disclosed by one Party to the other Party is confidential information of the Party disclosing the information.  The Party receiving the information agrees that it will use customer information only for the purposes set forth in this Agreement, and will not disclose such customer information to third parties.  In particular, Shop agrees that it will maintain in strict confidence and protect all information (such as customer name, contact information, car description, and type of vehicle damage) disclosed by RepairPal and its partners and affiliates.

b) Each Party will maintain in strictest confidence (i) customer information as described in Section 5.a, (ii) RepairPal’s assessment process for certifying shops for the RepairPal Certified Program, including fees for the program, (iii) information disclosed during the assessment process, (iv) the results of the assessment process, and (v) information marked as confidential and/or proprietary that is provided by one Party to another. 

c) A Party receiving information to be treated confidentially under this Agreement will use procedures no less rigorous than those used to protect and preserve the confidentiality of its own confidential and/or proprietary information; provided that in no event shall either Party use less than a commercially reasonable degree of care to protect and preserve confidential and/or proprietary information.

d) Each Party acknowledges that a breach of its obligations under this Section 5 may result in irreparable and continuing damage to the other Party (and/or RepairPal partners and affiliates) for which monetary damages will not be sufficient, and agrees that in the event of a breach or threatened breach of such obligations, the other Party (and/or RepairPal partners and affiliates) shall be entitled to seek, in addition to its other rights and remedies hereunder or at law, injunctive or other equitable relief, and such further relief as may be proper.

5. Remaining Matters

a) To the fullest extent permitted by law, Shop agrees to defend at its own expense, indemnify, and hold harmless RepairPal and RepairPal’s directors, officers, employees, partners, affiliates, agents, successors, assignees, and nominees, from any and all third-party claims, losses, and costs (including reasonable attorney’s fees) arising out of or relating to any acts or omissions of Shop and/or its directors, officers, employees, consultants, subcontractors, and agents in connection with services provided to, or to be provided to, Referred Customers and/or arising out of or relating to Shop’s participation in the RepairPal Certified Program and any RepairPal Partner Programs; provided that Shop may not settle such claim unless it releases RepairPal and its partners and affiliates of all liability.

b) Shop represents to RepairPal that Shop maintains (a) all applicable licenses, certifications, qualifications, experience, and ordinances governing Shop’s operation, and (b) all necessary insurance, including, but not limited to, appropriate levels of liability insurance. Shop agrees to maintain general liability insurance coverage with carriers acceptable to RepairPal in the amount of at least five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000).  Shop agrees to promptly furnish the certificate(s) demonstrating compliance with the insurance requirements at RepairPal's request.

c) In the event that Shop or any third party has a dispute arising out of or relating to the referral of Referred Customers and/or services provided to, or to be provided to, Referred Customers, Shop agrees to promptly notify RepairPal, and, at RepairPal’s request and cooperate in good faith with RepairPal and its representatives and agents in resolving the matter.

d) The Parties are independent contractors in each and every part of this Agreement.  Shop agrees that RepairPal’s partners and affiliates are third-party beneficiaries of this Agreement and may enforce their rights directly against Shop.


f) This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with and governed in all respects by the laws of the State of California (excluding conflict of laws rules). This Agreement, including the Exhibits, and the RepairPal Certified Program Terms, constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between the Parties with respect to the RepairPal Certified Program. In construing the terms of this Agreement, no presumption shall operate in either Party’s favor as a result of its counsel’s, agent’s or employee’s role in drafting or negotiating the Agreement. If any paragraph, provision, or clause thereof in this Agreement shall be found or be held to be invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction in which this Agreement is being performed, the remainder of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable and the Parties shall negotiate, in good faith, a substitute, valid, and enforceable provision that most nearly reflects the Parties' intentions. The failure to enforce at any time any one or more provisions of this Agreement shall in no way be construed to be a present or future waiver of such provision or any other provision. The express waiver of any provision, condition, or requirement of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any future obligation to comply with such provision, condition, or requirement. The remedies under this Agreement shall be cumulative and not alternative and the election of one remedy for a breach shall not preclude pursuit of other remedies unless as expressly provided in this Agreement. By executing the Order Form & Agreement, Shop also agrees to the terms and conditions set forth in the Terms of Service Agreement (available at and to comply with all the obligations thereunder.

g) RepairPal may update these Terms & Conditions from time to time. Any material or considerable updates will be provided to Shop with 30 (thirty) days notice.

Exhibit A

RepairPal Program, Certified Program & Partner Referral Fees

a)  Shops shall be subject to a monthly fee for participating in the RepairPal Program or the RepairPal Certified Program, and this fee is payable in advance on a monthly basis.  The fee for all RepairPal Program and Partner Referred Customers ("Referred Customers") shall be 10% of the total repair cost for each repair as tracked, identified and reported to Shop by RepairPal, unless otherwise specified. If Shop is unable or unwilling to verify repairs, Shop may optionally choose to pay per Referral in the amount specified on the Shop Order Form & Agreement

b) Total repair cost shall be calculated based on all completed repair orders of applicable Referred Customers within 90 days of the referral to Shop. For shops paying per Referral, Shop shall pay for each Referral, regardless of whether that Referral results in a repair or the amount of the repair. Shop also agrees to cooperate with RepairPal efforts to verify Referred Customers by providing confirmation to RepairPal of Customer Repair Order details including Customer Name, Vehicle Information, Repair Details, Repair Date, Amount Charged and Repair Order Number. In the event RepairPal loses access to Shop Data via the Customer Verification Program or the Shop does not provide confirmation or verification data, RepairPal reserves the right to invoice the Shop based on reasonable calculations using prior invoices to the Shop and/or prior and current months Referrals.

c) Some partners may provide ancillary and/ or supplemental billing data to RepairPal to assist RepairPal in identifying Referrals, Referred Customers, completed repairs, and repair events. RepairPal reserves the right to bill Shop on the basis of this data, either at 10% or on a per Referral basis.

d) For some partner and affiliate programs, RepairPal may structure a billing relationship with the partner or affiliate such that RepairPal acts as an agent for payment for services rendered at the Shops.  In these cases, RepairPal will pay the Shop directly for services rendered, less applicable 10% Referred Customer fees.  For these partner and affiliate programs, Shops can choose to receive payment for the services via check, which will be sent by USPS, or by ACH, subject to the ACH terms and authorization below in Section (d).   

c) Shops may pay the fees due under Sections (a), (b), and any other applicable amounts due to RepairPal, in the following manner:

  1. Credit Card:  If a Shop elects to pay fees and other amounts due to RepairPal via credit card, Shop will provide to RepairPal’s payment processor valid credit card information (“Payment Card”) via a secure link in the Shop’s RepairPal Dashboard. By signing this Agreement and providing credit card information through this secure link, Shop authorizes RepairPal and its payment processor to charge the Payment Card for the applicable fees and costs owed to RepairPal pursuant to this Agreement.  Shop agrees to (A) keep its Payment Card on file for at least three (3) months following the termination of this Agreement; (B) replace or update its Payment Card information; and (C) promptly pay any invoices issued by RepairPal for fees due pursuant to this Agreement (but in no event later than five (5) days following receipt of such invoice).  Any credit card processing or other fees associated with payment via credit card will be paid by Shop.   In the event a charge is declined, Shop must provide a valid replacement credit card within three (3) calendar days or RepairPal shall have the right to terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice to Shop.
  2. ACH:  If shop elects to pay fees and other amounts due to RepairPal via ACH, Shop will provide to RepairPal’s payment processor  valid ACH information and authorization via a secure link in the Shop’s RepairPal Dashboard.  By signing this Agreement and providing the ACH information, Shop authorizes RepairPal and its payment processor to debit and/or credit such account to settle all fees and other amounts due to RepairPal during the term of this Agreement and for a period of thirty (30) days thereafter. Such payment shall be made in accordance with the payment frequency stated in this Agreement. Shop is responsible for providing complete and accurate billing and contact information and notifying RepairPal or its payment processor of any changes to such information. Shop agrees to fund the account specified in an amount sufficient to cover all fees and amounts due to RepairPal.    

Exhibit B

Collection and Storage of Data

RepairPal Privacy Policy Notification

Shop’s use of the RepairPal website is subject to RepairPal’s current online privacy policy, which is located at:  Shop agrees to review the website privacy policy from time to time to understand how RepairPal uses data collected from users of our website. 

Customer Verification Program

Shop will participate in the Customer Verification Program (“CVP”), a value-added data processing program that will help to facilitate RepairPal products/services used by the Shop.  During the Term of the Agreement, Shop may provide RepairPal access to data related to customer activity with the Shop (“Shop Data”).  RepairPal represents, warrants, and covenants that it has implemented commercially reasonable administrative, procedural, technical, and physical safeguards designed to provide for the security and confidentiality of Shop Data provided, collected, and/ or received from Shop.

Shop understands that participation in CVP will allow RepairPal to provide applicable RepairPal products/ services to the Shop, including but not limited to: verify value delivered to the Shop, facilitate reporting, and generate shop customer reviews. Any non-public personally identifiable information within the Shop Data (“Non-Public PII”) may only be used by RepairPal to facilitate the applicable RepairPal products/ services used by the Shop.  RepairPal reserves the right to use Shop Data excluding Non-Public PII in an anonymous and/ or aggregated fashion for RepairPal products/services, such as improving the accuracy of RepairPal repair price estimates. 

Customer Scheduling Program

Shop will participate in the Customer Scheduling Program that helps customers schedule services and repairs at Shop (Referrals and Referred Customers). RepairPal includes both native (traditional) scheduling features and an integration with Auto Ops for any shop that uses an eligible Shop Management System. Auto Ops has powerful scheduling settings that will be used by RepairPal to ensure that any appointments that get scheduled through AutoOps or RepairPal will fit your Shop’s schedule. In order to ensure this scheduling alignment, Auto Ops requires both read and write access to your Shop Management System, to pull in available appointment time slots and to post appointments to your Shop Management System calendar. Shop must provide appointment availability either through RepairPal's native scheduling system through the Shop Dashboard, or the Shop must install Auto Ops, which unlocks real time scheduling. There are no additional fee(s) associated with either scheduling system, unless Shop chooses to sign up for Auto Ops outside of the RepairPal relationship. Auto Ops provides a discount for participating RepairPal Program and Certified shops. Additional Auto Ops Terms & Conditions can be found here:

Exhibit C

Partner Requirements (Optional)

In addition to the RepairPal Program or the RepairPal Certified Program, Shop will automatically be opted in to the RepairPal Partner Referral Programs, in which Shop may be eligible to receive Referred Customers via RepairPal’s partnership with other companies that are in a position to refer their customers or members to a RepairPal shop (“Partners”).  Shop will participate in the Customer Verification Program (“CVP”) as described in Exhibit B: Collection and Storage of Data, in order to facilitate verification of Referred Customers.  Shop also agrees to cooperate with RepairPal efforts to verify Referred Customers by providing confirmation to RepairPal of Customer Repair Order details including Customer Name, Vehicle Information, Repair Details, Repair Date, Amount Charged and Repair Order Number.  

Shop agrees to grant any Partner Referral who is referred to Shop from RepairPal, and who mentions his/her Partner Referral status to the Shop at the time of service, a 12 month/ 12,000 mile warranty or better on services rendered to the Referral. Standard exclusions such as normal wear and tear (e.g., tires, brake pads, clutches, wiper blades, etc.), wheel alignments and scheduled maintenance may apply. If the Shop offers a more favorable warranty or discount, Referral shall receive the most favorable benefit at no additional cost.  In cases where prices are pre-negotiated by a third party, Shop shall not charge above and beyond these prices for approved repairs.
In the event that a complaint is received from a Referral that Shop failed to honor the warranty, RepairPal will investigate the complaint. If as a result of the investigation, RepairPal determines that Shop has not acted in accordance with the Agreement, including this Program Requirements Document, RepairPal will take appropriate action, up to and potentially including, the termination of Shop’s participation in this Program and the termination of Shop’s membership in the RepairPal Certified Program.
Shop may choose to opt out of the RepairPal Partner Programs at any time. If Shop chooses to opt out of the RepairPal Partner Programs, Shop may continue to remain on the RepairPal Program or the RepairPal Certified Program; however, Shop will no longer receive Partner Referrals from RepairPal.
Shop acknowledges that RepairPal Partners are responsible for protecting the personal information of Partner Referrals from unauthorized use and for ensuring that Partner Referral data is treated in compliance with RepairPal Partner’s privacy policy and applicable law. Except as required for performing its obligations under the Agreement and this Program Requirements Document (and then only for so long as so required), (i) Shop shall not collect or maintain a separate list of names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, or other personally-identifiable information of Partner Referrals; (ii) disclose, rent, sell, or commercially use or permit to be commercially utilized by it or any third party, firm, corporation, or person the personal information of Partner Referrals; or (iii) send emails to a Partner Referral unless agreed to by the Partner Referral.  
In order to participate in RepairPal Partner Programs, RepairPal will require each Shop to certify the following as it relates to background check procedures. By opting in to Partner Programs, the Shop certifies;
  • Background Screening program is in place and all employees undergo a background screening investigation. 
  • That the Shop adheres to all state and federal rules and regulations regarding background checks.
Shop understands that RepairPal and RepairPal Partners may survey Partner Referrals who have been referred to RepairPal Shops about their experience at the Shop.  RepairPal reserves the right to remove any Shop from the Partner Program that does not meet Partner standards for excellence in customer service, as represented by these survey results.  
Shop also agrees to comply with all other Partner Program requirements as outlined in the RepairPal Shop Success Partner Center and to represent themselves, RepairPal and the partner professionally.  Any issues or problems with any Partner Referral should be reported to RepairPal as soon as practical. Shop understands that partners may impose other requirements, that the Shop will be required to follow for participation with that specific partner.
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