AutoFlow is now AutoFlow is a shop workflow tool created by a shop owner, for shop owners, to bridge communication gaps between service advisers and customers. 

Some of the best shops around the country are using AutoFlow's service and seeing incredible results.  Using AutoFlow's digital inspection sheets and texting your customers will increase your repair orders and keep your customers happy.

For RepairPal Shops you get a special discounted price when you sign up at

See all the benefits and features AutoFlow has to offer:

  • Enhances your customer experience. Customers appreciate the convenience and ease of responding to a text vs. tending to phone calls and voicemails.
  • Reduces customer response time, which in turn reduces your rack time and impacts your bottom line, saving money. 
  • Reduces unnecessary phone calls to your shop from customers inquiring about their vehicle’s status.
  • Easy-to-use tool that sends pre-programmed text updates to your customers. Includes configurable statuses.
  • Improves your workflow and helps you manage your vehicle inventory.
  • Includes automated scheduling and follow-up text messaging. Your customer is sent a text reminder for their scheduled time the day prior to their appointment, and a follow-up text message the day after service has been completed.
  • Enables your customer to respond back to you with a text message. The system also keeps track of the conversation between you and your customer.
  • Accessible anywhere. Anyone can see what is active in their shop at any time, from anywhere, as long as there is internet access.

Hear from the Founder of AutoFlow , Chris Cloutier about their purpose and mission to help both shops and customers

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