Managing Customer Calls

Our calls page is designed to help you review and manage all the calls that come through RepairPal by giving you an easy way to see the important information about them. In addition, we provide additional functionality to help you track the source of your calls as well as transcription and billing information. In this article we will walk you through the main features of the page. 

In this article

Calls Overview Call Details

Calls Page Overview

The main page is displayed as a table view of your calls showing the most relevant information for managing a customer call. Clicking on a call will open a details panel with more information.


All calls are sorted by call date, with newest on top. Additionally, appointments in the Needs Attention status are grouped on top, so they will always appear first. Updating the status will remove that appointment from the grouping and it will then be sorted with the other calls. Clicking on the column header will resort the appointments.

Call Status

The Status column shows you the current status of the call. The breakdown of statuses is:

  • Needs Attention - calls that have not yet been reviewed by the shop
  • Reviewed - this is set by the shop for calls that have been reviewed and updated


The orange icons indicate that there are calls in the Needs Attention status. 


There are two types of filters available. There is a filter button in the upper right corner of the page that allows you to filter based on status, referral partner, and car make. Additionally in the ALL view, there is a date filter with both preset date ranges as well as a custom date range selector.

Call Details View

Once you click on a call, the details panel will appear where you can view more details on the call as well as perform additional actions. Clicking outside of the details panel will close the view so you can select another call.

Call Information

This section contains the main call information. Clicking on the pencil icon next to the header will allow you to edit the customer name or make, model or year of the car.

Billing Information

Another new feature of our Calls page is the integration of our monthly billing data. Depending on if you have a data connection with us, your billing section will differ. 
- You can learn more on our data connection here.
- More general billing questions can be answered here.

Automated Billing

When you are connected to RepairPal, you will be able to see the invoice information, the status, and the invoice amount for your appointments automatically. There are cases where there are multiple invoices matched to a single call, and they will all be shown in this section as separate invoices.

Based on the data shared with us, we are able to pull the following for billing: Invoice date, invoice number (RO number), VIN, and repair amount. The status reflects where we are in the billing process. There are 3 statuses:

  • Verified - our billing team has reviewed and approved that the call and invoice match, and the call will be used for our monthly referral fee
  • Pending - we have a match, but the billing team has not yet approved the billing for the monthly referral fee
  • Not billable - either the billing team has rejected the billing, or the call lead came through our main website instead of a referral partner
Manual Billing

If you are not data connected, then all invoice information will need to be updated manually for our referral fee billing. Similar to our tow verification process, you are able to input your invoice information for calls. This will then be used in our monthly billing process and reviewed by our billing team.

Things to know

By filling out the billing information regularly throughout the month for calls, you will greatly reduce the time needed to review your calls with our billing team, saving you time in the end.

Clicking on the edit icon will allow you to enter the needed information. As long as the invoice status is pending, you can edit the information entered. Once the billing has been reviewed and either accepted or rejected by our billing team, the information can no longer be edited.

Total Amount Billed

Both the Automated and Manual Billing will generate an amount that you will be billed for based on your partner referral agreement. This will typically be 10% of your repair amount of all verified invoices. This section will not have an amount unless the billing has been verified and approved by our billing team.

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