Limit Appointments Per Day
If you are not able to take in an unlimited number of customers in a day, RepairPal allows you to set a limit of how many appointments you can offer. Once that number is reached, that day will no longer be shown to customers on the RepairPal website. This way you can manage your work intake without jeopardizing your customer service standards by having people waiting for you to help them.
To set up your appointment limit, follow these easy steps in your Shop Dashboard.
- 1
Click on the gear icon and click the Settings link.
- 2
Click the Appointment Preferences link in the sidebar, go to the Daily Appointment Limit setting, click the edit icon, toggle on the limit, and select the number of appointments you want to have sent to you in a day. The options are 1-10. When the setting is set to off, then there is no limit.. Once you are finished hit the Save button to finish.