Setting Up Off Hours Appointments

Sometimes customers need to drop their car off during regular business hours. You can set up your RepairPal Appointment Preferences to allow customers to set appointments in off hours and drop off their vehicle. When the customer gets an email confirmation, we can include any instructions from you that would help a customer complete the drop-off. 

Some roadside partners will not allow you to participate in their program if you do not offer off-hours drop-off options.

Did you know?

Of the customers that choose to book an off-hours appointment with our shops, 85% prefer the Early Bird option.

Complete your Off-Hours Settings in 3 Steps

1) In your Dashboard click on the circle in the top right-hand corner to navigate to "Manage Your Profile".

2) Click on "Appointment Preferences" on the left side of the screen.

3) Edit your Off-Hours availability and Message. You will have helper text on the right to help you write a message.

The clearer your "Drop-Off Hours Message" is the smoother the drop-off will go for customers who set appointments with you and/or customers that are towed to your shop.

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